E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome

Welsh Government introduces new legislation to display �Scores on the Doors

5th August 2011

The Food Standards Agency Wales is presently working with Welsh Government officials on a draft bill to introduce legislation on the mandatory display of ratings at takeaways and restaurants to disclose hygiene records.

It will then be compulsory for all food businesses to put scores on their doors. Currently it is up to the individual business whether to display their hygiene ratings introduced last October which range from five (excellent) to zero (in urgent need of improvement).

A Government spokesman has said: Food businesses have to follow strict procedures on food preparation, hygiene and safety. We will be bringing forward a draft Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Bill for consultation at the end of this year. It will allow the Welsh Government to make mandatory arrangements for providing consumers with easily understandable, at-a-glance information on the hygiene standards of a food business so they can make better-informed choices about where they eat out or shop for food. Wales will be the first country in the UK to introduce a mandatory food hygiene rating scheme.

Sharon Mills, the mother of 5 year-old Mason who died during the 2005 Welsh E.coli O157 outbreak, said it was a milestone for her family, who have campaigned for a change in the law. She said: Consumers deserve to have this at-a-glance information because it can be hard work trying to find it. It will raise public confidence its important people are able to make a choice about where the best and safest place to eat is. At last they will be putting the needs of consumers first and it will be an excellent step for Wales to be the first place to make this mandatory.

The new law, which is understood to have widespread political support, would bring Wales into line with other countries, such as New Zealand.

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