E.coli O157 & Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome



Gary Thomas, Liverpool
5th October 2006

Where to begin... well it seems like a life time ago now since Katie and Rachel had E-coli in 1996. It started out as a special treat to a high street fast food restaurant (I use the term loosely). The burger wasn't cooked properly and approximately eight days later Katie had severe stomach cramps and was passing what could only be described as green slime. At first the hospital didn't really know what it was, but we were finally told it was something called E.coli O157. I asked if it was life threatening and was told NO! I asked if it was infectious and again I was told NO.

Katie was lucky not to have developed HUS although she really had been ill.

On the day we were bringing Katie home Rachel, who was 4 at the time, asked if she could go to the toilet. I took her as my wife Chris was looking after Katie. The same tell tale signs of the green slime were apparent. I told the nurse who said it was nothing to worry about but just as a matter of course to bring Katie and Rachel back on the Friday (this being the Wednesday) for tests. Friday came and we took the two girls for their tests. Katie was allowed to go home but they wanted to keep Rachel in. Rachel had not had a burger at all !!! Within hours of Rachel being admitted she had full renal failure as the E.coli developed into HUS, we thought she was dying.

Having just gone through this the week before with Katie the strain on the family was unbelievable. My wife and I were taking shifts to sit with Rachel. Katie was now at home with her sister Lisa, who had not contracted E.coli. As the eldest, Lisa was devastated that her younger sisters where so ill and she could do nothing about it. The other family members do tend to get neglected in a time of crisis which is totally unfair as they are suffering just as much (amazing what you learn in a time of crisis).

I had not slept for some 36 hours and really was on my chin straps (good naval expression). I was trying to get a couple of hours rest when Rachel said she wanted to wee. The tears streamed down my face as I realised that her kidneys had started to work again.

Im delighted to say that Katie is presently in college and finished her first year A levels with B's in Psychology and Sociology and an A in Law. She also recently found it necessary to jump out of a perfectly good plane strapped to an instructor which seemed like nothing more than a sheet strapped to their backs....hmm ! However, it was all in a good cause and the sponsorship will help HUSH continue in its good work.

Rachel is now 14 and hopefully got over the experience, only time will tell on that. She is doing really well in school achieving all A's in her report and has just been chosen to play 'Sandie' in the school production of 'Grease' (earplugs available on request) only kidding Rachel.

Nothing really has changed much in the food industry. The burger bar is still open and obesity is on the increase. All we can do is try and educate the people whose lives we touch on a daily basis, but above all remain strong. Life is a learning curve and things happen in life that we don't always understand. Maybe these things have happened to HUSH members so they can go and help other people. One thing it has taught me is how precious life really is and to enjoy it as much as we can because we don't know whats round the corner.

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